Well...this evening i got my result at campus for the 2nd period.
Actually I've so many worries, 1st period its quite good but I am not satisfied with it. So when I Got it, I just hope that my GPA is getting better than before, cause I think, I give my focus and all energy to get a best result.
When the paper is in my hand, and try to open so slow and I see my GPA is going better and I passed all the subject with A, B, C not D or E. (Lord Jesus, Thanks u so much).
but something its not change at all since I was in elementary school untill now my English is always perfect and my Indonesia is always pas-pasan . Am I so stupid???
But I am still happy, I can get all subject this semester and I am not fail also my GPA is going better. Huhhhh...I just realized its not easy to do many thing in the same time.
Working, college and hang out with friends, find someone, do social works, get an extra job WOW...its not so easy. It need extra energy, extra focus and the most important is extra praying.
"Lord Jesus, just keep me in your hand that comfort me, below ur wing that make me fly with u, and in your eyes so I get ur attention that make me safe in all the way"
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