Saturday, January 6, 2007

English Task : Chapter Eight

Vocabulary Practice
1. The Federal Reserve Board influences the volume of activity on the Stock
Dewan pimpinan Bank Sentral mempengaruhi jumlah penjualan dan pembelian di
bursa saham.
2. The Board of Governors can buy or sell United States Government securities.
Dewan Gubernur dapat menjual atau membeli surat-surat berharga Pemerintah
Amerika Serikat.
3. Policies of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks are uniform.
Kebijakan dari keduabelas Bank Sentral adalah selalu sama.
4. When margin requirements are set on the Stock Exchange, the market price of
stocks and bonds bought with loans is affected.
Ketika syarat marjin ditetapkan di bursa saham, harga pasaran saham dan obligasi
secara kredit terpengaruh.
5. Federal Reserve Banks are involved in the purchase and sale of bills of exchange.
Bank Sentral terlibat dalam penjualan dan pembelian surat perintah pembayaran.

Comprehension Check
Answer the following question orally.
1. There are twelve Federal Reserve Banks in the United States.
Ada dua belas cabang Bank Sentral di Amerika Serikat
2 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System sets the policies of these
Dewan Gubernur Bank Sentral menetapkan kebijakan dari bank-bank ini.
3. Federal Reserve Banks extend credit to member banks through advances or
Bank Sentral menyalurkan kredit ke bank-bank anggota pembayaran dimuka atau
diskon bertingkat.
4. The Board of Governors influence the money supply of the United States trough
conducts certain open-market operations.
Dewan Gubernur mempengaruhi peredaran uang di Amerika dengan melakukan operasi
pasar terbuka tertentu.
5. Board of Governors can buy or sell United States Government securities.
Dewan Gubernur dapat membeli atau menjual surat-surat berharga Amerika Serikat.
6 Board of Governors can buy or sell United States Government securities, banker’s
acceptances and bills of exchange.
Dewan Gubernur dapat membeli atau menjual surat-surat berharga Amerika Serikat,
surat perintah pembayaran yang sudah disahkan oleh banker dan surat perintah
7. The Federal Reserve Board influence the volume of activity on the Stock
exchange by setting margin requirements for the purchase of securities.
Dewan Bank Sentral mempengaruhi jumlah penjualan dan pembelian di bursa saham
dengan menentukan syarat marjin untuk membeli surat-surat berharga.
8. Margin requirements limit the amount of credit that purchasers of securities.
Syarat marjin membatasi jumlah pinjaman untuk pembelian surat-surat berharga.
9. Reserve requirements are the mandatory cash ratio of holdings to liabilities.
Syarat modal adalah rasio kecukupan modal yang diwajibkan pada suatu perusahaan.
10. The institution performs the functions of the United States Federal Reserve
System in my country is Bank Indonesia.
Institusi yang memiliki fungsi Bank Sentral Amerika Serikat di negara saya
adalah Bank Indonesia.

Building Your Vocabulary
A. Matching. Find the words in the right-hand column that are closest in meaning to the words in the left-hand column.
1.uniform e.unchanging
seragam tidak berubah-ubah price d.current price
harga pasar harga saat ini
3. stock g.a share of corporate capital
saham pembagian modal dari suatu perusahaan
4. for public sale
untuk dijual di masyarakat pasar terbuka
5.authorize j. empower
berhak menguasakan
6. investment bought for profit
investasi properti yang dibeli untuk mencari keuntungan
7.mandatory a.required
kewajiban syarat
8.amount of buying and selling f.volume of activity
jumlah pembelian dan penjualan volume dari aktivitas
9.set b.Establish
tentukan tetapkan
10. certificate of debt c. Bond
Sertifikat utang obligasi

B. Rewriting sentences. Rewrite each of the following sentences replacing the underlined word or words with the correct form of one of the new words of this lesson.
1. Policies of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks are uniform
Kebijakan dari kedua belas Bank Sentral adalah seragam.
2. A group of administrators sets the policies.
Sekelompok pengurus menetapkan kebijakan-kebijakan itu.
3. He has many investments.
Ia memiliki banyak investasi.
4. The amount of money in circulation varies with the buying and selling of
Jumlah uang yang beredar berpengaruh terhadap pembelian dan penjualan surat- surat berharga.
5. There has been a great volume of activity on the stock exchange.
Ada jumlah transaksi yang besar di bursa saham.

Structure Practice
A. Restate each of the following sentences as a passive using the underlined indirect object as the subject.
1. I was sent information about the new interest rates by the bank.
Saya dikirimkan informasi tentang tingkat suku bunga yang baru oleh bank itu.
2. The board will be told about her holdings by Ms. Scott.
Dewan akan diberitahu saham-sahamnya oleh Nn. Scott.
3. Public is offered banker’s acceptances by the bank.
Masyarakat ditawarkan surat perintah pembayaran banker oleh bank itu.
4. We were told there are twelve Federal Reserve Districts by them.
Kami diberitahu ada dua belas wilayah Bank Sentral oleh mereka.
5. The investors were given the data about their stocks and bonds by the board.
Investor sudah diberikan data tentang saham dan obligasi mereka oleh dewan.

B. Use each string of elements to write a passive sentences as in the model. Use the past tense.
1. I was shown the Stock Exchange by other investors.
Saya diperlihatkan bursa saham oleh para investor.
2. Lisa Marlowe was offered the necessary capital by her father.
Lisa Marlowe ditawarkan modal yang dibutuhkan oleh ayahnya.
3. The administrators were told market price.
Para pengurus diberitahu harga pasar.
4. The director was paid by the board.
Direktur itu dibayar oleh dewan itu.
5. They were informed the bonds were sold.
Mereka diberitahukan obligasi itu telah dijual.

C. Answer the following questions using a passive voice with the indirect
object of the question becoming the subject of the answer. Follow the model.
1. Yes, the public were sold investments by the Federal Reserve Board.
Ya, investasi dijual ke masyarakat oleh Dewan Bank Sentral.
2. Yes, the students were taught about the Federal Reserve System by Mr. Miller.
Ya, para murid diajarkan tentang sistem Bank Sentral oleh Bpk. Miller.
3. Yes, I was given the loan by the credit department.
Ya, Saya diberi pinjaman oleh bagian pinjaman.
4. Yes, she was told about the securities by the Board of Governors.
Ya, Ia diberitahu tentang surat-surat berharga oleh Dewan Gubernur.
5. Yes, the directors were paid a good salary by the company.
Ya, direktur itu dibayar dengan gaji yang baik oleh perusahaan itu.

Building Sentences
A. Unscramble the groups of elements to form complete sentences. Follow the model.
1. We were given the data by the administrators.
Kami diberikan data oleh para pengurus.
2. I was offered more securities by the stockholders.
Saya ditawarkan lebih banyak surat-surat berharga oleh pemilik saham itu.
3. They’ll be told the purchase price by the board.
Mereka diberitahu harga pembelian oleh dewan itu.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are sent the stock certificates by the head of the
Tn. Dan Ny. Rogers dikirimkan sertifikat saham oleh pimpinan perusahaan itu.
5. You will be shown the Stock Exchange by the director.
Kamu akan diperlihatkan bursa saham oleh direktur itu.

B. Select elements from column A, B, C and D to form passive sentences with original indirect objects as subject. Use any tense you have studied.
1. I will be sold capital by Ms. Edwards
Modal itu akan dijual ke saya oleh Nn. Edward.
2. Jane will be shown the market prices by the administrators.
Harga pasar akan diperlihatkan kepada Jane oleh para pengurus.
3. You will be offered a loan by credit department.
Pinjaman akan ditawarkan kepada kamu oleh bagian peminjaman.
4. Mr. Ferguson will be lent money by the bank.
Uang akan dipinjamkan kepada Tn. Ferguson oleh bank.
5. We will be given a contract by the company.
Contract akan diberikan kepada kami oleh perusahaan itu.
6. The public will be told the Stock Exchange by the Federal Reserve Bank.
Bursa saham akan diberitahukan kepada masyarakat oleh Bank Sentral.
7. The investors will be sent stock certificate by board of directors.
Sertifikat saham akan dikirimkan kepada para investor itu oleh dewan direksi.

C. Complete each of the following sentences by selecting the correct word for the blank space.
1. Policies are conducted by the board.
Kebijakan-kebijakan ditetapkan oleh dewan itu.
2. It is mandatory that the bank follow the policy.
Merupakan kewajiban bagi bank untuk mengikuti kebijakan itu.
3. Mr. Carter was empowered to sell governments securities.
Tn. Carter diberi kuasa untuk menjual surat-surat berharga pemerintah.
4. We don’t want any intervention in our affairs.
Kami tidak ingin intervensi apapun dalam urusan kami.
5. These operations are similar to other operations that were carried out in
Latin America.
Operasi ini sama dengan operasi lain yang dilakukan di Amerika Latin.

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