Saturday, January 6, 2007

English Task : Chapter Six

Vocabulary Practice

1. She bequeathed $ 10,000 to charity in her will.
Dia mewariskan $ 10,000 untuk didermakan dalam wasiatnya.
2. You have to pay high taxes on an estate.
Anda harus membayar pajak yang tinggi atas sebuah kepemilikan anda.
3. The executor will distribute the property of the deceased according to his
last will and testament.
Pelaksana ahli waris akan membagikan warisan dari orang yang meninggal sesuai
dengan surat wasiat terakhirnya.
4. In the U.S., people must fill out their tax returns by April 15.
Di U.S., orang harus mengisi surat pengembalian pajak mereka pada tanggal 15
5. My lawyer will draw up my will.
Pengacara saya akan menyusun surat wasiat saya.

Comphrehension Check

A. State whether each of the following statements is true or false based on the
dialogue that you have just read.
1. Jack has died intestate. ( False )
Jack telah meninggal tanpa surat wasiat. ( Salah )
2. The state will distribute Al’s estate. ( False )
Negara akan membagikan harta milik Al. ( Salah )
3. Naming a good executor is very important. ( True )
Mencantumkan nama pelaksana ahli waris yang tepat adalah sangat penting.
(Benar )
4. Al named the Oak Street Bank as his beneficiary. ( False )
Al mencantumkan Bank Oak Street sebagai penerima warisannya. ( Salah )
5. The bank helps your heir plan for estate taxes. ( True )
Bank membantu pewaris anda untuk mengatur pajak negara. ( Benar )

B. Answer the following questions orally

1. Is it strange for a 35 year-old man to think about a will ? No it is not
Apakah aneh untuk pria 35 tahun untuk memikirkan tentang sebuah wasiat ? Tidak
2. What happens if someone dies intestate ? The property will be distributed
according to the laws of the state.
Apa yang terjadi jika seseorang meninggal tanpa surat wasiat ? Harta miliknya akan
dibagikan menurut hukum dari negara tersebut.
3. What does an executor do ? An executor will planning for estate taxes. They’ll
about reporting income and expenses and they arrange for appraisals of your
They also file estate tax returns and pay the taxes.
Apa yang dilakukan seorang pelaksana ahli waris ? seorang pelaksana akan
merencanakan untuk pajak penghasilan. Mereka akan konsultasi tentang pelaporan
pendapatan dan pengeluaran dan mereka menyusun penilaian untuk harta anda.
Mereka juga membukukan setiap pengembalian dan pengeluaran pajak.
4. How does Al know about the services of the Oak Street Bank Trust Department ?
Because Al already used their services of their trust department to set up trust
funds for
his son and daughter.
Bagaimana Al mengetahui tentang servis dari Departemen Perwalian Bank Oak Street?
Karena Al sudah menggunakan servis dari departemen perwalian bank tersebut untuk
mengatur dana perwalian untuk anak laki-laki dan perempuannya.
5. Why is it a good thing that the whole staff of the Trust Department serves as
executor ?
Because that is away that there’s no risk of service being interrupted.
Mengapa menjadi sesuatu yang baik jika seluruh staf dari departemen perwalian
menjadi pelaksana ahli waris ? Karena itulah sebabnya bahwa tidak akan ada resiko
gangguan apapun dalam pelayanan tersebut.
6. Why does Jack want to know if the bank will help his heirs with estate taxes ?
Because he doesn’t want his wife and children to be faced with more tax payments
than necessary.
Mengapa Jack ingin tahu apakah bank akan membantu ahli warisnya dengan pajak
negara ? Karena dia tidak ingin anak dan istrinya dihadapkan pada pembayaran pajak
yang lebih dari semestinya.
7. Who files tax returns of an estate ? The executor.
Siapa yang akan membukukan pengembalian pajak dari Negara ? Pelaksana ahli waris.
8. What will your executor do if the government has questions about your tax
returns ?
The executor will answer any questions that are raised by the government and give
the heirs complete information about the taxes that are paid.
Apa yang akan dilakukan pelaksana ahli waris jika pemerintah mempunyai pertanyaan
tentang pengembalian pajak ? Pelaksana tersebut akan menjawab semua pertanyaan
yang diajukan oleh pemerintah dan memberikan ahli waris informasi yang lengkap
tentang pajak yang dibayar.
9. What is a residual legatee ? The party who receives the residual legacy after the
and taxes against the estate are paid.
Apa arti ahli waris residu ? Pihak yang menerima sisa warisan setelah dikurangi
tagihan dan pajak yang dibayar kepada negara.
10. Where will Al bring Jack’s will ? To the Probate Court
Kemana Al akan membawa surat wasiat Jack ? Ke Lembaga pengesahan.

C. Write a paragraph that summarizes the things an

executor has to do after the death of a testator ( the person who left a will )

The executor is specializes in planning for estate taxes. They’ll consult about reporting income and expenses and they arrange for appraisals of the property. They also file estate tax returns and pay taxes. And the executor will answer any questions that are raised by the government and give the heirs complete information about the taxes that are paid.

Pelaksana ahli waris spesialis dalam perencanaan pajak penghasilan. Mereka akan
mengkonsultasikan tentang laporan pendapatan dan pengeluaran dan mereka
menyusun penilaian untuk harta milik. Mereka juga membukukan pembayaran dan
pengembalian pajak Negara. Dan pelaksana ahli waris akan menjawab pertanyaan
yang diajukan oleh pemerintah dan memberikan ahli waris informasi yang lengkap
tentang pajak yang dibayar.

Building Your Vocabulary

A. Matching. Find the words in the right hand column that
match the words closest in meaning in the left hand column.

1. Appoint : Name ( Menunjuk )
2. Executor : Trustee ( Pelaksana )
3. Without a will : Intestate ( Tanpa ada surat wasiat )
4. Gift : Legacy ( Warisan )
5. Draw up : Compose ( Menyusun )
6. Property : Estate ( Harta milik )
7. Check an account : Audit ( Pemeriksaan )
8. Requirement : Provision (Ketentuan )
9. Heir : Beneficiary ( Ahli waris )
10. Verify : Probate ( Verifikasi )

B. Rewriting sentences. Rewrite each of the following
sentences replacing the underlined word(s) with the correct form of one of
the new words of this lesson.

1. The state will distribute her property.
Negara akan membagikan harta miliknya.
2. Mr. Ricci was name as executor.
Mr Ricci ditunjuk sebagai pelaksana.
3. His son was the principal beneficiary.
Anaknya adalah ahli waris utamanya.
4. He is afraid that the government will audit his tax returns.
Dia takut pemerintah akan memeriksa pengembalian pajaknya.
5. The residual legacy was small after the executor settle Mrs. Henderson’s estate.
Sisa warisan menjadi sedikit setelah pelaksana membayar pajak Mrs. Henderson’s.

Stucture Practice

A. Rewrite the following sentences about wills in the
present tense of the passive
1. The lawyer is chose by the testator.
Pengacara dipilih oleh pembuat wasiat.
2. The will is drew up by the lawyer.
Surat wasiat disusun oleh pengacara.
3. An executor is named by the testator.
Seorang pelaksana ditunjuk oleh pembuat wasiat.
4. The instructions in the will is carried out by the executor.
Peraturan dalam surat wasiat dijalankan oleh pelaksana.
5. The taxes on the estate is paid by the heirs.
Pajak negara dibayar oleh ahli waris.

B. Rewrite the following story about Jane’s tax return in
the past tense of the passive voice.
1. Her tax return was sent in by Jane.
Pengembalian pajaknya telah dikirim oleh Jane.
2. Jane’s tax return was audited by the government.
Pengembalian pajak Jane diperiksa oleh pemerintah.
3. A serious mistake was found by them.
Sebuah kesalahan yang serius telah ditemukan oleh mereka.
4. A letter from the government was received by Jane.
Sebuah surat dari pemerintah diterima oleh Jane.
5. An additional $ 1,300 was had to pay by Jane.
Sebuah sanksi $ 1,300 harus dibayar oleh Jane.

C. Express surprise that the things asked about have not
yet been completed. Use a negative question in the present perfect of the
passive voice.

1. The will must be drawn up
What? Hasn’t it been drawn up yet ?
Surat wasiat harus disusun. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah disusun ?
2. His beneficiaries must be named
What? Hasn’t it been named yet ?
Penerima warisannya harus diberi nama. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah diberi nama ?
3. A trust fund must be set up.
What? Hasn’t it been set up yet ?
Dana perwalian harus diberikan. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah diberikan ?
4. The estate must be settled.
What? Hasn’t it been settled yet ?
Pajak tersebut harus dibayarkan. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah dibayar ?
5. His property must be distributed.
What? Hasn’t it been distributed ?
Hartanya harus dibagikan. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah dibagikan ?
6. Some appraisals must be made.
What? Hasn’t it been made ?
Beberapa penilaian harus dibuat. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah dibuat ?
7. The will must be probated.
What? Hasn’t it been probated ?
Wasiat itu harus disahkan. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah disahkan ?
8. Claims against the estate must be paid.
What? Hasn’t it been paid ?
Klaim untuk pajak negara harus dibayar. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah dibayar ?
9. The returns must be audited.
What? Hasn’t it be audited ?
Pengembalian itu harus diperiksa. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah diperiksa ?
10.The residual legatee must be found.
What? Hasn’t it been found ?
Sisa warisan itu harus ditemukan. Apa? Bukankah itu sudah ditemukan ?

D. Using the future tense of the passive voice, tell that
each of the following things Will be completed tomorrow.

1. When will they lower the mortgage rate ? It will be lowered tomorrow
Kapan mereka akan menurunkan suku bunga KPR ? Itu akan diturunkan besok.
2. When will they bring the applications ? It will be brought tomorrow
Kapan mereka akan membawa aplikasinya ? Itu akan dibawa besok
3. When will they send out the monthly statements ? It will be sent out tomorrow
Kapan mereka akan mengirimkan laporan bulanan ? Itu akan dikirim besok
4. When will they raise the service charge ? It will be raised tomorrow
Kapan mereka akan menaikkan biaya servis ? Itu akan dinaikkan besok
5. When will they pay the check ? It will be paid tomorrow
Kapan mereka akan membayar ceknya ? Itu akan dibayar besok

E. Change each of the following sentences from active to
passive. Keep the same tense or modal in the new sentence as in the

1. Ten checks are wrote by this depositor every month.
Sepuluh cek ditulis oleh nasabah ini setiap bulan.
2. A N.O.W account was opened by Mary Latham last week.
Rekening N.O.W dibuka oleh Mary Latham minggu kemarin.
3. Their passbooks must be presented by customers.
Buku tabungan harus diperlihatkan oleh nasabah.
4. The stop payment order will be signed by both parties.
Perintah penghentian pembayaran akan ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak.
5. All monthly charges was increased by the bank.
Semua pembayaran bulanan akan dinaikkan oleh bank.
6. A large fee will be charged by the bank for this service.
Biaya besar akan dikenakan oleh bank untuk servis ini.
7. The withdrawal slips weren’t signed by those customers.
Slip penarikan tersebut tidak ditandatangani oleh nasabah tersebut.
8. Interest payments aren’t recorded by the bank every week.
Pembayaran bunga tidak dicatat oleh bank setiap minggu.
9. Variable rate mortgages should be granted by the bank.
Suku bunga KPR yang bervariasi seharusnya dijaminkan oleh bank.
10. Our loan application has to be sent by my husband to the bank.
Aplikasi kredit kami harus dikirim oleh suami saya ke bank.

F. Answer each of the following questions with a sentence
in the passive voice.Use the elements of each cue, as in the model.

1. When do you receive your cancelled checks ? The checks will be returned by the
bank monthly.
Kapan anda menerima cek yang dibatalkan ? Cek akan dikembalikan oleh bank setiap
2. Why did that customer have to pay a service charge ? The minimum balance was not
maintained in her account.
Kenapa nasabah harus membayar biaya servis ? Saldo minimum tidak mencukupi
dalam rekeningnya.
3. How did you stop payment on that check ? An order was gave by the manager.
Bagaimana anda membatalkan pembayaran atas cek tersebut ? Perintah diberikan oleh
4. How will depositors know how much money is in their savings accounts ? All
transactions will be recorded by the bank in their passbooks.
Bagaimana nasabah akan mengetahui berapa banyak uang yang ada dalam tabungannya ?
Semua transaksi akan dicatat oleh bank dalam buku tabungan mereka.
5. How do checking account holders know how much money they have in their accounts?
A record of all checks written must be kept by them.
Bagaimana pemegang rekening cek mengetahui berapa banyak uang yang ada dalam
rekening mereka ? Semua data dari cek yang ditulis harus disimpan oleh mereka.

Building Sentences

A. Link each pair of elements with the appropriate present tense form of serve as.

1. Trust Department serves as my executor.
Departemen perwalian berlaku sebagai pelaksana ahli waris saya.
2. Passbook serves as record of transactions.
Buku tabungan merupakan data dari transaksi.
3. Mrs. Stein serves as trustee of the university.
Mrs. Stein menjadi wali dari universitas.
4. This money serves as down payment on the house.
Uang ini menjadi uang muka atas rumah tersebut.
5. His apartment serves as his office.
Apartemennya juga dijadikan sebagai kantornya.

B. Expand each of the following sentences by adding the
appropriate form of to be good at. Keep the same tense as in the original
1. The tellers are good at helping the customers.
Teller sangat membantu bagi nasabah.
2. That lawyer is good at drewing up wills.
Pengacara sangat terampil untuk menyusun wasiat.
3. The trustees are good at administrating the university.
Perwalian sangat bagus untuk administrasi universitas.
4. The loan department is good at explaining loans to me.
Lembaga kredit sangat baik menjelaskan kredit kepada saya.
5. The executor is good at settling the estate.
Pelaksana ahli waris sangat ahli dalam menempatkan pajak negara.

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